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Short Cuts

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Here all the short cuts keyboard Internet Explorer. You can find them even in Internet To be explored while clicking on the menu ?, choose Sommaire and index. In the window which souvre go in Index and type shortened then to post.

Posting and exploration of Web pages :
To post assistance Internet Explorer. F1
To rock between the mode Full screen and normal of the window of the F11 navigator To move forwards between the elements of a Web page, the bar of addresses and the bar of the bonds. TAB
To move towards the back between the elements of a Web page, the bar of addresses and the bar of the bonds. MAJ+TAB
To go in the page of starting. ALT+ORIGINE
To go in the following page. ALT+right
To go in the preceding page. ALT+left or RET.ARR.
To post the contextual menu of a bond. MAJ+F10
To advance among the executives. CTRL+TAB or F6
To retrogress among the executives. MAJ+CTRL+TAB
To make ravel until the beginning of a document. HIGH
To make ravel until the end of a document. down
To make ravel until the beginning of a document by higher intervals. PRECEDING PAGE
To make ravel until the end of a document by higher intervals. FOLLOWING PAGE
To go at the beginning of a document. ORIGIN
To go at the end of a document. END
To seek on this page. CTRL+F
To bring up to date the page in progress. F5 or CTRL+R
To bring up to date the Web page activates even if the date of the Web version and that of the version at your disposal are identical. CTRL+F5
To stop the remote loading of a page. ECHAP
To go on a new site. CTRL+O or CTRL+L
To open a new window. CTRL+N
To close again the active window. CTRL+W
To record the page in progress. CTRL+S
To print the page in progress or the active framework. CTRL+P
To activate a selected bond. ENTRY
To open the shutter of research. CTRL+E
To open the shutter of the Favourites. CTRL+I
To open the shutter of the History. CTRL+H
To open several files in the shutters of the History or the Favourites. CTRL+clic

Use of the print preview:
To define the options of impression and to print the page. ALT+P
To modify paper, the headings, the footers, the orientation and the margins of this page. ALT+U
To post the first page to be printed. ALT+ORIGINE
To post the preceding page to print. ALT+left
To type the number of page to be posted. ALT+A
To post the following page to print. ALT+right
To post the last page to be printed. ALT+end
Back zoom. ALT+MOINS Front zoom. ALT+PLUS
To post the list of the percentages of zoom. ALT+Z
To close the print preview. ALT+C

Use of the bar of addresses:
To select the text of the bar of addresses. ALT+D
To post the list of the addresses which you typed. F4
In the bar of addresses, the cursor of following logical separator (not or/character places on the left) CTRL+left
In the bar of addresses, the cursor of following logical separator (not or/character places on the right) CTRL+right
To add "www." at the beginning and ".com" at the end of the text seized in the bar of addresses. CTRL+ENTer
To move forwards in the list of the correspondences of the semi-automatic functionality of seizure. HIGH
To move towards the back in the list of the correspondences of the semi-automatic functionality of seizure. LOW

Management of the Favourites:
To add the page in progress to your Favourites. CTRL+D
To open the dialog box To organize the Favourites. CTRL+B
To move the element selected upwards in the list of the Favourites of the dialog box To organize the Favourites. ALT+up
To move the element selected downwards in the list of the Favourites of the dialog box To organize the Favourites. ALT+down

To remove the selected elements and to copy them in the Clipboard. CTRL+X
To copy the elements selected towards the Clipboard. CTRL+C
To insert the contents of the Clipboard into the selected site. CTRL+V
To select the totality of the elements on the active Web page. CTRL+A

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